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 Date Stamp Ribbons and Supplies

Date Stamp Ribbons (As low as $8.00):

We provide a large variety of ribbons for your date stamp machines including RapidPrint ribbons, Simplex ribbons, Lathem ribbons ribbons and Acroprint ribbons.  We also provide a wide variety of colors such as Purple, Black, Blue and Red for most machines.  We only use the higher quality cotton fabric ribbons (beware that some distributors use the cheaper nylon which tend to rip after a short period of time).

RapidPrint Ribbons

Other Date Stamp Ribbons

Date Stamp Custom Engraved Die-Plates ($48.00 to $78.00 TEXT ONLY):

Do you need your date stamp to stamp custom text each time you print?  Is the text on your die-plate in need of updating?  We can provide upper and lower die-plate replacements for most machines.  Simply let us know what date stamp machine you own and the text you want printed.

Please Note: Die-plate engraving takes up to three weeks for delivery.
Logo's and Signature graphics are an additional price

Click here to order a die-plate for your date stamp.

Date Stamp Year Wheels ($59.00 + labor):

All heavy duty date and time stamps have brass year wheels with limited years on it.  Eventually you will need to replace these year wheels with one that has updated years on it.  We do not recommend replacing these yourself as it is quite involved, very messy and requires special tools to complete the work.

RapidPrint Year Wheels

Other Date Stamp Year Wheels

Date Stamp Motors ($64.00 + labor):

Date stamp machines get their timing from a 110Volt synchronous motor that rotates at 1 RPM.  If your machine is no longer advancing the date and time, there is a good chance that the motor needs to be replaced.  These motors can be replaced by the customer but it does involve cutting the existing wires, replacing the current motor and then re-attaching the wires, which can be quite intensive and is best done by an electrician.

RapidPrint Motors

Other Date Stamp Motors